
Okay,  here  we  are  again  in one of my articles in which I just spout
doggy plops.  Okay let's start off with ....


Yes,  I  just  had to type about this again.  The thing is, why is it so
BORING?   The  only  good things on it are Xena:  Warrior Babe, The Jack
Docherty  Show  (not  really Jack's, as he's always taking time off, and
repeats are being shown) and ummm....  that's it, m'lud.  Another thing,
WHY  THE  HELL  have  Channel  5's  bosses replaced the programmes after
Jack's  Show  (The  Comedy Store, etc) with PRISONER:  CELL BLOCK H ?!?!
That's  one  of  the  most  stupidest things they could have done (among
other things).  Ah well, I won't be watching Channel 5 much.  Oh, by the
way,  the  reception  for  Channel  5  is  perfect  on my telly (using a
10-element aerial in me wardrobe!!).

[When  everything  goes digital 3 months from now you'll have another 15
channels to moan at so get ready..  Kei]

BRUSSELS (Sprouts)

Er...   excuse  me,  but why is Germany in charge of Europe??  I thought
that  they  would  have been the worst country to select for leadership.
Remeber Hitler ?

Oh,  Britain  gets banned for exporting beef.  But, what about Germany??
THEY  had  a  form  of BSE in their cows (go on, say summat witty!), but
THEY  didn't  stop exporting THEIR beef, did they?  The only reason THEY
banned  British  Beef,  is  so  they can sell some of THEIR sub-standard
crap.  Anyway, German people are mental.  And they haven't got any sense
of humour.


Guess  who  I  saw  a  few days ago?  Gillian Anderson!!  Well, okay, it
looked EXACTLY LIKE HER!  I nearly stained me pants!


Swap `em for cheese, that's what I say.

D!CK + A SLINKY = A mess

If  you  ever  meet  D!ck,  lock  your slinky(s) in the cupboard!  He'll
fondle  it  until  it  goes  all  soft  and gooey.  Fortuneatly, my pink
day-glo slinky is heat resistant.

Oh, don't let him near an Amiga power supply.  You'll regret it forever.
Oh  yeh,  he'll  also  want your trapdoor lid.  And take the piss out of
your  miggy's  mouse.   And  tell lies about you eating your way through
brick walls.


Sorry,  but  I  don't like them.  Why?  Because how the hell can someone
live  with  these  things?   When I haven't shaved for a week, it ITCHES
LIKE HELL!  It'll probably fill up with bits of food.  EUGH!


Why am I so sexy for my jim-jams?
